How to Manage Unsubscribed contacts in Mailchimp


To manage unsubscribed contacts in Mailchimp, follow these steps:


  1. Log in to your Mailchimp account and navigate to the "Lists" section.

  2. Select the list you want to manage unsubscribed contacts for.

  3. Click on the "Manage Contacts" button, and then select "Unsubscribed" from the drop-down menu.

  4. You will now see a list of all the unsubscribed contacts for that list.

  5. To remove an unsubscribed contact from the list, select the checkbox next to their name and then click on the "Delete" button.

  6. To unsubscribe a contact from multiple lists, select the checkboxes next to their name on each list, then click on the "Change List Membership" button and choose "Unsubscribe."

  7. To resubscribe a contact, click on the checkbox next to their name and then click on the "Resubscribe" button.

  8. You can also search for specific unsubscribed contacts by entering their email address in the search bar.

  9. Once you have finished managing your unsubscribed contacts, make sure to save any changes you have made.


Note: it's also important to have an unsubscribe option in your email template and/or a link in the email that allows the recipient to unsubscribe by themselves. This is a legal requirement and also good practice.


  • mailchimp, newsletters, email marketing
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